Gregory Pelecanos, Senior Partner will be presenting the topic “Merger control in the Pharma Sector” at the 5th International Conference on Competition Law and Policy on October 7th, 2021

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Gregory Pelecanos, Senior Partner will be presenting the topic “Merger Control in the Pharma Sector” at the 5th International Conference on Competition Law and Policy. Gregory will review issues concerning market definition and discuss whether theories of harm adequately take into account the innovative nature of the pharma sector.

Gregory’s panel on Merger Control will discuss recent EU and Greek merger cases and focus on telecoms, tech and health. The Panel is led by Pr. P. Bernitsas (Managing Partner Bernitsas Law Firm) and includes Dimitris Loukas (Partner Potamitis-Vekris), Eftichia Karkani, Directorate of Chief Legal Officer, Hellenic Competition Committee, Olga Nodarou, Attorney at Law, Legal Services, Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission and Stephen Mavroghenis, Partner at Quinn Emanuel’s Brussels office and is scheduled for Thursday October 7th at 15:30 - 17:30.

The virtual conference will take place between Wednesday, October 6th at 10:00 through Thursday, October 7th at 18:00 and can viewed through

The conference is organized by Nomiki Bivliothiki, under the auspices of Hellenic Competition Commission and the institutional support of Hellenic Federation of Enterprises.

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